Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just gotta dance!

Today was pretty ordinary. We didn't even leave the house this morning. Usually we go somewhere around 9 a.m., but today Colin and Audrey were so into their boxes that we just stayed home. It was much nicer this morning so I dusted off the croquet set and tried to get something going with them. But, Colin threw the balls and used the mallets as a lever to pull up the wire "thingies" (for lack of a better word). So, we picked things up and came back inside to the boxes. Why mess with a good thing, right?

The boxes that I'm talking about are from Audrey's new car seat and from an old box of Audrey diapers. Colin put all kinds of stuffed animals in the big box and called it a cage, cave, house, bed, etc. as he played with it. We eventually put windows in it and he learned to get out of it by tipping it over and falling down with it. I put a pillow in Audrey's little box and she was very content just to get in and out of it and a few of her own choice stuffed animals in there. Whatever they did this morning, they both went down super fast for naps and slept about two and a half hours! It was very nice and quiet with Clayton and Cammy asleep, as well.

During dinner Colin commented,"it's nice being a family". I've made this comment several times meaning that it is so nice to have all of us sit at the dinning room table together for dinner each night. He has been agreeing with me frequently. I just smiled and agreed with him, but later I thought just how wonderful that is. Not only IS it so nice to be together in that way, but he RECOGNIZES it. After our nice family dinner was over, Colin went over and turned the stereo on and an Irish CD began to play. Not long after, Audrey toddled over and enjoyed watching him laugh and dance (and did just a bit of dancing herself, in addition to playing with the buttons on the stereo). That is what you see on the video. Our living room is not always that messy, but (as I said before) we didn't really leave the house much today and it showed!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

very cute!! sam does the same thing - watches louie and does the "squat up and down dance"!