Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Home is where the heart is...

Well, we have finally gotten into a good routine at home and at school. Unfortunately, the time at home feels so short. But I think the little time we share (save the morning these days) is quality time. Just look at how much Colin missed his sister below! It is interesting and wonderful to see the two of them meet and greet each other at the end of a school day. Audrey is ALWAYS happy to see Colin and, though he might not want to admit it, he is thrilled to see her, too.
Last night, we had our first Parents as Teachers visit. We signed up at the Festival of Nations at the end of last month. As it turns out, our educator lives the next block east on our street! She just walked right down and walked home. We really liked Mary, and so did the children. Colin even asked if she was going to visit again tonight. He is remembering so much more these days. It is like his teachers turned a light on in his little mind and he is able to do SO much. I've never listened to a preschooler with such a vocabulary, either. I think it is the fact that we devour books all day everyday!
Anyway, at the end of the session, there is always an activity. This visit was mostly for Audrey because Mary was only trained through two year olds (she'll be trained to five year olds by our next visit in November). We made this little pull basket that has a string attached with bells. Both Colin and Audrey drug this around this evening. Here are a few photos of that.

Can you see that Audrey has tactfully hidden her brush inside Dad's shoe? What a surprise he will have when he goes to work next if I forget it's there!
Also, I'm including a few pictures I took last week while our students were out at recess. This is the place I get to call home during the day. There are 22 chairs and we use them all at times. But, I only have ten third graders that are my main responsibility. It is a pretty cozy and welcoming room, I think.

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