Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our first day of school

Last night, I had this entry all laid out and typed a detailed description of Audrey's day, Colin's day, and an short snippet of my day. But, then our internet went out for the night and I lost it all. So, I'm too tired tonight to try again, but I did want to share our photos. Description to come later of that momentous first day!

The second set of photos is of Colin's birthday tent. He sleeps in it each night now, and generously shares it with Audrey. Even Clayton and I play in there with them. We'll try it outside after our yard project is done. Oh, more pictures of that progress this weekend!

Here we are the morning of our first day of school! (real school, that is, no camp)

A better picture.

Colin's tent

Cheesy smile.

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