Saturday, September 26, 2009

What an amazing transition

This is what our yard looked like a little over a month ago. Granted, this picture looks worse than it actually did before the project began, but I was told not to do anything with the roses and weeds and the cement had been chopped up. We are so excited that we'll get to use this space and our entire yard more and in better ways. This is the after. Smooth. Clean. Not much clutter. I love having the roses on the other side of the yard and planted mums between them for some fall color. I hope they grow back next year. I might try to plant some tulip or something so that there will be something in bloom most of the year.

The roses are still just can't see them because they have been lovingly pruned and their leaves were shed long ago.

Clayton and our little guys played on the nearly finished patio the other evening. I see us spending lots more time outside now! Now, if the rain can stop for the rest of the weekend, my dad, Clayton, and our friend John can put up the fence and gates. I'll post one photo of that and the adorable little children's picnic table my dad made for Colin's birthday. Maybe those will come tomorrow.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Frick said...

It's so lovely! I hope you guys get lots of good out of it before winter :)