Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby love

I don't have a picture to go with this post tonight. But, I just wanted to share a special moment I had with my daughter tonight. Tomorrow, I'll post some pictures of our family get together with Clayton's mother's side and the morning before.

Audrey has been a little more difficult to get to sleep at night. She has been napping for roughly three hours every afternoon, and I think that might be why. I'm not ready to give up those wonderful nap times, so I'll just have to deal with a less tired baby at night.

Anyway, after taking her milk I usually put her on my shoulder and walk with her a bit while she gets tired and lay her down to sleep in her crib. She has been lifting her head and patting my mouth - then laughing because she thinks it is hilarious! Tonight, she lifted her head, put her hands on either side of my neck, looked into my eyes as if trying to figure me out, and leaned in for a kiss. She is the snuggliest thing at times! I just fall in love with her more each day.

If that wasn't enough, I was putting Colin to bed in the usual way (laying on his tiny toddler bed with him and reading him chapter books!) and then turned the lights out. He asked if I would lay down by him more and then snuggled up close until he fell asleep. Before he fell asleep, he turned a few times. And, if I moved he pulled me back and closer! Sometimes it is hard to be loved so much (when they cling to you and you just want a little space), but these times are the ones I know I will hold in my heart forever and wish every day afterward that I could live them over and over again. I knew I would love motherhood, but I don't think I even had a clue how much I COULD love them.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

precious. nothing better than your kids' snuggles and kisses!