Monday, July 6, 2009

Fun at the new city garden

We had a great time visiting the new City Garden downtown this afternoon. It is a new sculpture garden with all sorts of interactive sculptures and water features. We spent most of our time at the syncronized water fountain and Audrey loved the water this time. She got totally wet and loved every second of it! All of the water features are interactive - a.k.a. you can get in the water. This was a sculpture that I almost couldn't get Audrey to leave. She loved being able to walk through all of the little "doorways" and play peek-a-boo with Colin and I.

They have two of these flamingos hanging around the park. You can move them if you like and they end up all over. Here is Audrey saying hello to one.
Colin really wanted to have his shoes off for this walk. Many children were swimming in this little pool with the waterfall. Colin was upset about the shoes, so he didn't get in.

The head is pretty cool, but very hot, hot, hot inside!

The fountains were the greatest hit with our two!

Look at the attitude on this little girl's face. She is going to be one to watch out for one of these days!

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