Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last week

This past week we were able to get back into our routines at home. It was nice to be home for a week or so before heading off to our next adventure (this time to our Christmas in July family reunion with my dad's family). More on the reunion tomorrow. I just had to share these photos of our little guys on this cool Wednesday morning at the Missouri Botanical Garden. We love that they have free admission to city residents on Wednesday and Saturday mornings! Clayton told Colin to go in this forbidden part of the garden because it made a good shot, but I hope it doesn't encourage him to venture off the path too often.
After Colin went across this beautiful bridge, Audrey just had to go - with Mommy's help, of course.
These next few are taken at the children's part. We never went before because we didn't think there was much for a two year old to enjoy. And, it was the last time he could go for free (it's only $3 once he turns 3, so not bad even then). Adult are always free. So, we decided to check it out and ended up spending hours there instead of minutes. Colin rode every slide, climbed everything to be climbed, and thoroughly wore himself out! Audrey had a great time exploring, too, but really loved watching her crazy brother and dad run like wild children!

He was very brave to go across this shaky rope bridge. He is very afraid, but the picture doesn't show it well.
Audrey loved this part. There were about five large flowers with a musical element to discover and play with.

I just love the above picture! I can't believe that Clayton got Colin to wear the apron. Colin even picked this bread out for Audrey and tried to give it to her. She loved the thirty seconds of attention he gave her.

The last two are from the end of our morning. We did go across the park to feed the fish. Clayton and I were both pretty exhausted from this morning of fun, too!
More about the family reunion tomorrow!

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