Monday, July 20, 2009

Becker Family Visits

This past Saturday we had many visitors from Clayton's mother's side - the Beckers. His aunt Betty and her husband, Dave, from Cape G. His aunt Joann from Louisville, KY with her daughter, Suzie, grand daughter, Sarah, and Suzie's partner, Richard. Later that night, several other friends of Betty's came over for a light dinner before attending a play written by her son-in-law. Clayton's mother, Nancy, and I took Colin and Audrey to the Tower Grove farmer's market. I am ashamed to say that it was my first time going this year! I've been going to the Soulard market east of us. Anyway, we took the big stroller, had a play break, and then came home to play in our third floor playroom/guest room. These kitchen toys are from a neighbor down the street...just the right size for Colin and Audrey. Check out this photo as they look at each other through the market window.
Audrey is washing dishes!

We are taking a break from the market to enjoy a chilly (yes, I said CHILLY!) morning at the playground. We saw our neighbors, the Fricks, there with their daughter, Olive. Nancy and I enjoyed a nice hot cup of coffee while they played.

Colin and Audrey enjoyed a nice cookie treat for their snack (whole wheat chocolate chip). Quite the little buggie isn't it!

These are pictures of cousin Sarah, C0lin, and Audrey as we walked (for the second time that day) to the playground. Yes, that is four miles of walking for me! Colin was being silly with his mad face, but he did brighten up as you can see in the next picture.

I love this one of Colin (below) on the way home from the playground. He made Clayton carry him on his shoulders BOTH ways. This was what he would do when Clayton put him down...sit and wait patiently until his dad gave in and picked him up. He learns these things WAY too quickly.

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