Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All set for school soon

Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment to go to and Colin stayed with our fabulously generous and kind neighbors (the Fricks) next door. Before going over, I put his things in his backpack. I showed him how to wear it and he loved it! He thought he was going to preschool right them! You could just see in his eyes how big he felt just wearing it. He wore it over to their house, but not before I took these pictures. I'll add more in a couple of weeks of his very first day back. He had to have at least one silly face!

Such a big, proud boy! I love him so!


Bridgett said...

Oh wow, is he starting real preschool this fall?

Elizabeth Frick said...

You are too kind, Kerri. And you failed to mention that those same neighbors who watched Colin also clocked him in the head with a giant plastic toy.