Friday, August 7, 2009

Two weeks in review

Ahhh. I made it! I survived preschoolers for five days, with my own children. The last five days were the toughest I have faced in a long time (while working). My Colin takes lots of energy by himself. But, multiply him by fourteen and divide that number by two teachers, add a 14 month old Audrey, and you have lots of trouble. No, really, it wasn't all bad. I really appreciated my time working with the preschoolers at my school, The Soulard School, for a couple of reasons. It was staying the extra two hours the last three days for aftercare that were hard on us (Colin, Audrey, and I).

First, I know first hand what it will be like for Colin this year as he enters preschool. I now know one of his teachers well and really like her. I've also met most all of his peers and their parents on a more personal level than most parents get to. And, I was able to see how Colin interacted with his teacher, peers, and classroom environment. I'd love to be at home with my children, but working at the school they attend seems to be the better choice more and more. I see how much Colin NEEDS interactions with his peers at school. I enjoy being able to be the bridge between home life and school life in a way that many parents can't. I take the language we use at school and make it part of our family life so that when Colin goes to school he feels more comfortable and can communicate better with his teacher and peers. The school environment is so small that I know most of the parents of ALL students in the school and feel part of their family. I never knew how important that would be. It is like a real community - raising our children together. I know that, as a teacher in the school, parents treat me a little different from other parents, but I feel that they appreciate the fact that I AM one of them. I think that makes a difference, and I have their respect because of it.

The second reason my preschool experience was important was that it instilled an appreciation for prek teachers everywhere. I must admit, I was one of those teachers who was jealous of the nap time they got to enjoy. Not that the teachers napped, themselves (though it could happen IF everyone falls asleep). No, I thought they had it made for two hours out of every day enjoying quiet time while the children slept peacefully in the room. Wrong! It is WORK to get everyone down. There were three of us most days and we spent the majority of two hours sitting and rubbing children's backs or reminding them to be still. That doesn't sound too bad, and I might wish I could go back there on a particularly crazy day in elementary school, but it isn't the serene scene I had imagined. And, if prek teachers do get to take turns dozing off while children sleep, they DESERVE it! It is mentally draining to watch out for these little beings. The picture below shows you what can happen if you aren't watching all the time. I knew Colin was in the digging area and that he was getting dirty, but when I did finally walk over away from Audrey, I saw this face...

You might not be able to see it well, but he was EATING dirt. Shortly after these pictures were taken, I literally hosed him down and changed his clothes.

Colin playing with is new buddies.

Audrey enjoyed playing with the little coup cars, though it was hot and sunny outside.We kept cool in the gym inside the school. Audrey loved the mats, and I did, too. It was easier to let her play knowing that there were softer landings.

I also wanted to post some pictures of Colin attending a Cardinals game with Clayton and my dad. They had a great time, though they missed Grandpa Steve. He was in the hospital with pneumonia. My dad won the tickets at our school auction in April, and an on field visit was included. So, they got to watch the Cardinals' practice before the game.

Is it just me, or does it look like my dad is trying to hand Colin a beer? Way too young for that, Dad! We don't want to get that started. The look on Colin's face seems to say that he is not interested. I hope that is true until he's out of college!

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